The Research Center for Advanced Earth Environmental Information

The Research Center for Advanced Earth Environmental Information
  The Research Center for advanced earth environmental information at Hiroshima Institute of Technology is selected for a promotion foothold in the academic frontier project for a private university by the Ministry of Education. It is established within the Graduate Schools of Environmental Information Studies and of Engineering in cooperation with research organizations in Japan and overseas.
In veiw of the urgency of endeavor to scientifically explicate global environmental issues and to develop countermeasures, the research center has organized the following five research groups with the main theme "Research on Generation of Advanced Earth Environmental Information", and has energetically performed both fundamental and application research.

1. Research Group on Generation of Advanced Satellite Remote Sensing Information
This group performs research and development on fundamental analysis methods that can deal with earth observation satellites equipped with hyper-spectral bands and high resolution optical and microwave sensors, and contributes to the development of advanced application technologies.
This group achieves the extraction of 3-dimensional geographical information on the earth surface, precise land cover and sea surface information. It also achieves the fundamental and application research on scattering models for high resolution radar images. It proceeds to the research and development on generating and monitoring technologies for time-spatial satellite image on earth environment and disaster information through the joint use of virtual reality technologies and high resolution satellite data.

2. Research Group on Advanced Image Information System
To deal with hyper-spectral bands in microwave and optical sensors, this group performs fundamental research to make the most of their properties. To contribute to the advanced satellite image information, it performs research and development on target detection and identification and processing technologies for high resolution spectral image.
To codify visual information and knowledge, this group performs research and development on visual retrieval interface distributed information and data and information organizing system architecture for decision making.

3. Research Group on Advanced Network System for Earth Environmental Information
This group performs research and development on image information network system for earth observation satellites:

- Construction of data transmission system for earth observation satellites,
- Construction of data retrieval system by internet and high speed local area network for satellite image data,
-Construction of data production system adapted to the multiple data transmission,
-Construction of data processing system by dynamic load sharing for the efficient use of server and multiple computers.

4. Research Group on Generation of Land and Ocean Environmental Information
This group versatilely performs research and development on the methodology to efficiently acquire and analyze environment and disaster information using earth observation satellites:
-Extraction method of natural environment and disaster phenomena by integrating land cover and geographical information derived from satellite data,
-Extraction method of vegetation condition in river and coastal areas for monitoring of water environment and ecosystem,
-Construction of ocean environmental information system related to the air-sea interaction which profoundly affects global environment.

5. International Joint Research Group in Japn and Overseas
This group performs joint research with external research organizations distinguished in their fields. In the fields of scientific research on the global environment and natural disasters, it intends to enhance the importance and utilization of earth observation satellite information and thereby greatly contributes to the development of earth environmental sciences.

Copyright (C) 2001-2002 Hiroshima Institute of Technology